January 31, 2024

Olga Oikonomidou

Olga Oikonomidou, UK Dr. Olga Oikonomidou is an Academic Consultant Medical Oncologist specializing in breast cancer and Breast Cancer Translational Research Group Leader at the Institute […]
February 22, 2024

Carlo Palmieri

Carlo Palmieri, UK Professor Carlo Palmieri BSc(Hons), MB BS, PhD, FRCP(UK) Carlo is a Professor of Translational Oncology at the University of Liverpool and Consultant medical […]
April 25, 2024

Marina Parton

Marina Parton, UK Dr Marina Parton Consultant Medical Oncologist BSc MBBS MRCP MD Dr Marina Parton is a Medical Oncologist in Breast Cancer at The Royal […]
February 29, 2024

Ann Partridge

Ann Partridge, USA Dr. Partridge is a practicing medical oncologist and clinical researcher. She is vice chair of the Department of Medical Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer […]
April 7, 2024

Shelley Potter

Shelley Potter, UK Shelley Potter PhD FHEA FRCS Shelley Potter is Professor of Surgical Oncology at Bristol Medical School and Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at North […]
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